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SHARK RESEARCH : Overview of the mission, and some details outlined

Pour les francophones, merci de dérouler vers le bas.


Maintaining the health of an ecosystem, in our case, the ocean(s), doing conservation tasks for marine species, and restauring such areas, need to set up appropriate objectives and, consequently, the main goal of SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU) is this one :


To assess the state, and the probable variations of the quality and the quantity of

living beings, the health of the ocean due to various conditions,

in the geographical areas of investigation,

through Apex Predators, namely :



This Research Progarmt, never performed earlier as it is planned and managed, includes the analysis of: currents (major, or local), the sea medium, pollution, meteorology conditions and climate variations, planktonic features, and many others. SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU) is a fairly different and orthogonal approach compared to other Research studies performed by the scientific community. Tasks performed by the scientist include marine biology, space remote sensing, and shark tagging.

To adequately perform such a scientific, marine ecology, mission, the necessary duties are at least the following ones, all of them being part of SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU) :

- to tag Sharks in the area of investigation, in particular the great migrators, as well as every species in danger (in the sense of IUCN, CITES) ;

- to identify and to take length measures and, ideally, other body characteristics to be studied later ;

- to take pictures of sharks fished ;

- to release the sharks in optimal health conditions ;

- to track, and to analyze the 4D-track data of the Shark ecosystem as the whole in the ocean, such as the variations, or not, of possible migratory roads ;

- to ensure, and increase, the survival of the Shark ecosystem, whatever the species are, as a whole.

A new, and innovative, analysis will be performed if conditions will be secure for the scientist, the crew, and also Sharks.

NB To be continued

[...] To ensure the survival (to avoid a Shark culling), all tracks data will be highly confidential and known ONLY by the Scientist. They will never be disclosed, and it will be the case for the code to use satellite tags data too.


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