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A BLUE SHARK Encounter at Saint-Jean-de-Luz close to the beaches

On Friday October 6, 2017, a Blue Shark was seen and photographed when the shark was swimming very close to a beach at Saint-Jean-de-Luz, a little town well known for its fish industry, located in the Pyrénées Atlantiques, in the South-West of France (namely, Côte Basque).

In fact, according to my preliminary investigation last year among professional fishermen community, it resulted that (some) Blue Sharks are in fact probably living in the area covered by SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU), at least during a particular, if any, period of the year. Sometimes, some "baby" Blue Sharks eated their fishes the fishermen captured...

Because of their migratory feature, and because Blue Sharks are part of requiem sharks too, they will be investigated in the area covered and, hopefully or ideally, I shall try to find a nursery.

Please find below the hyperlink to Sud-Ouest, a local daily newspaper having issued this encounter, in order to read the article (in french).

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