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Jacques PERRIN, Actor, Director, and Wildlife Protector Passed His Transition in April 21, 2022

In progress.

In progress.

Hereafter an excerpt of the book " Oceans - The Threats to Our seas and What You Can Do to Turn the Tide", edited by john BOWERMASTER ( ) :

" [...] JB: What do you hope viewers will take away from Oceans? What has been your experience so far?

JP: We have heard several times, after private viewings of Oceans, people coming out of the theater saying, "We didn't realize the diversity that we talk about so much is an expression of life and movement." To us, that is what is important to show. We are not just talking about ordinary fishes; we are talking about predators and prey, about innate and acquired behavior. We're not just talking about fish that are going to be eaten or displayed in a store or a market but about beautiful, graceful animals moving in a natural, balletic way. What we are trying to do is show that this diversity is something that we belong to as well, that we are not more than these animals, that we are not in any way better or greater but just another species, part of the huge diversity that exists on the planet. We are not just showing them a gallery of pretty animal pictures but all of life's theater, which we hope is going to move them, blow them away."

Now, a short video taken from this film, showing François SARANO, brillant oceanograph/oceanologist, swimming alongside a Great White Shark.

Copyright PERRIN, CLUZAUD, SARANO... DVD bought. Don't copy nor download. Buy the DVD ("Océans" : ).



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