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A Shark Safety Video Issued by "Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (AWSC) (USA) "

Although SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU) is strictly devoted to study and to asses the marine biodiversity ( and its change) only through Sharks, questions such as "Is there sharks here ? Is it dangerous or not to swim here" arise before asking about the ecology of Sharks.

A Shark Safety video was issued by Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, a founding member of the New England White Shark Research Consortium.

As indicated in its comment written by AWSC (quote hereafter), we can read this :

" This video was developed in collaboration with the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy, the Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, and officials from Cape Cod and South Shore Towns, to raise awareness and help people and white sharks co-exist peacefully."

Obviously, this comment is important to be known know, and to be aware of it, by all sea or ocean practicers such as surfers, spearfishers, swimmers, and so on.

Nevertheless, SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU) is strongly positive about the fact that, the best way to avoid accidents, is to adopt an adequate way of water practicing. As said since the beginning :

Learn in depth the SHARK Ecology.

The more you'll know about Sharks and Oceans,

the better you'll properly practice your favorite water activity, freely and securely.

Copyright Atlantic White Shark Conservancy (USA).



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