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Since January 01, 2022, a new name applies for this enthousiastic SHARK Ressearch Programme, namely :

SHARK RESEARCH : Biscaye Bay & Opal Coast (EU)

The two research geographical areas remain the same as before : 1/ the Bay of Biscaye, in its south-east part in France only (because of the International Law of Sea), nevertheless having a fairly good chain of canyons, including the " Gouf de Capbreton" as in the case of Nazare, Portugal and 2/ the Opal Coast, from the flemish french-belgian frontier (between Bray-Dunes and De Panne) to "la Baie de Somme", an estuary (for simplicity concern...) just in front of the south coast of Great-Britain.

Hence, SHARK RESEARCH is fully dedicated to the Ecology of Sharks, whatever they are, however with an emphasisis on the migratory species (many sharks in fact), and fully Research-, Restauration-, and Conservation-oriented.

Although they are rare, and in a critical danger of extinction since tenths of years, SHARK RESEARCH: Biscaye Bay & Opal Coast DO hopes that, one day, one will encounter such a Shark, the highly renowned Great White Shark, to tag and save at least some of them, even one. Have always in mind that Sharks, every of them, since around 500 millions of years, build the health and the biological diversity in all the seas and the oceans in the world, thanks to their presence.

if there is no SHARK, anymore or not enough,

so we have no biological diversity in the oceans, on the land, in the rivers, on Earth.

Eventually, hoping a happy new year for all Shark lovers.

NB On July 13, 2022, the new name of this research programme is :

SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU)



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