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Endangered Species in The Oceans : "Business As Usual", and No Concern About IUCN Recommendations

Some lobbies, usually fishing industrial companies all over the world, decision- and policy-makers, politicians too, say that the Oceans are in a better health than ever. Consequently, the commercial lobbies asked politicians to grant them new, and larger quotas of fishing, even at an european level, to mention this federal administration as an example among others.

However, it is wrong. First, looking at the MSY, the Maximum Sustainable Yield, this concept is not sustainable at all. In fact, this is a mono-species quantity that doesn't take the complete, trophic network of species (e.g., Sharks) into account, even not at least partly. Besides, MSY doesn't make any difference between an alpha- and a K-type species (for simplifying concern : between small and larger species). Moreover, the "investors" and "decision makers" do not have in mind that the High Seas, from a fish and biological diversity as well as the quantity point of view, have the following feature : HIGH SEAS ARE ALMOST EMPTY. As a proof, think of Sharks, especially the migratory ones : since around 500 million years, they have a specific and unique digestive system, allowing them not to eat some months sometimes. It allows them to swim across the larger oceans.

IUCN, in its Red List, says the contrary of what say lobbies, industrial and trade syndicates, and politicians. In fact, we are face to a larger amount of in-dangerelasmobranch species, and smaller species populations.

The following video documentary gives a fairly good view of Endangered Species in the Oceans.

(Copyright - Source : Unknown).



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