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FRENCH PEOPLE, WILDLIFE and NATURE: Testimony of a divorce

France Culture, one radio channel of Radio France, the public and french company of radio stations (same as BBC in UK), issued a program on November 09, 2017 (La Grande Table), introducing a fairly strong phobia, disgust, or no-link of the french people with the Nature or, in other words, a non-, or bad-ecological awareness of these people, compared to other countries such as USA, Germany, or Britain among others.

As a hint, this program proves, and hence gives full evidence, of the need to set up such projects as SHARK PROGRAM: Bay of Biscay & Opal Coast (Europe) about ecological concerns on the planet Earth.

This radio program is in french only. It can be podcasted one year since its issue on radio, and listened any time beyond this deadline (© Radio France, France Culture).

ABSTRACT: Valérie Chansigaud is a history lecturer and researcher in the Environment field, as well as an associate with the SPHERE laboratory, Paris-Diderot-CNRS. She published "Les Français et la nature : Pourquoi si peu d'amour ?", Actes Sud editor (September 2017).


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