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A New Early Warning from The Science Community : Planet Earth Is Still, and Even More, In Danger Sin

On Monday November 13, 2017, more than 15,000 scientists signed, then published in Bioscience, a professional and scientific magazine edited by Oxford University Press (OUP), a manifesto about the main concerns and major threats the planet Earth is currently facing with.

In fact, the reason why the planet Earth is under threats for its survival, at least according to a so-called "hypothesis", or rather model, named Gaïa, is mainly and likely exclusively due to : humankind.

So, leaning on several tenths of years of data collection, modeling, and simulation (e.g., climate, ecosystems, terrestrial atmosphere, oceans, and lands, environment, demography of all species living on Earth), these scientists emphasize, as for Kyoto in 1992, on a possible collapse of all living beings on land and also in oceans but men and women at least at a first instance - leading to a potential 6th extinction -, like Jared DIAMOND - among others - in his essay, " Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed ". As a hint, Diamond, an American ecologist, geographer, biologist, anthropologist and author, says that environment is the main feature that implies the collapse, or not, of a civilisation or society. In the global village model of our current global human society, ecology or, in other words, Nature, ecosystems, should be the main concern of our politics as well as way of life worldwide.

This new early warning issued by many thousands scientists is fully taking into account in SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU). It is one of the pilars of this research project, that is : biodiversity assessment through sharks, to maintain, and increase it.

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