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GREAT WHITE SHARK Legend : A Documentary Film About of One of The Most Endangered Ocean Shark

From © IMDb ->

" Great White Shark Legend is a fresh and exciting new documentary that will challenge your beliefs of the magnificent apex predators of the ocean. Attempts to change the public perception of Great White Sharks continue, but the danger, fear and sensationalism portrayed by most media still proves challenging to overturn. This film focuses on the communities of False Bay, South Africa and the people who love and work alongside Great Whites day to day - to pose and answer the question of what is it REALLY like to live on the doorstep of an animal many think they know form popular TV and film? This story, the real story of humans alongside Great White Sharks has never been told before - it's time for a new legend to be told. Written by Anonymous "

Consequently, this documentary movie should be seen by a large audience to well understand the Great White Shark behavior, in particular by those who practice sea-surface (e.g. surfing, swimming) or underwater (e.g., diving, spearfishing) activities as well as those who feel interest in the Great White Shark.

Because the Great White Shark is almost in its extinction stage worlwide, of a late sexual maturity (30..40 years), a long gestation period (around on year and a half), just a few puppies, and its great role in maintaining the oceans in (very, optimal) good health, the Great White Shark is a major taget to be sat-tagged, surveyed, tracked, and highly protected within the SHARK RESEARCH: Silver & Opal Coasts (Europe).

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