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70..120 Millions of Sharks Killed Worldwide Annually : Why You Should Be Aware of This Fact

When one hears about SHARKS, usually it comes from News Headlines, because a shark attack/accident occurred, a hit with intention or not, by provocation or not. Nevertheless, this is stronly low compared to the killing of sharks by humans alone : namely, the account of dead sharks lies between 70 and 100 millions, killed by fishers. Besides this direct fishing of Shras, other kinds of Shark deaths have to be added, such as : shocks by vessels, illnesses, predations, starvation, overfishing (food shortage), and so on.

As apex predatots, from the smallest species to the largest ones, Sharks DO shape the oceans since around 500 million years. Hereafter, one may find a short video proving this ecological disaster as well as notifying the crucial role of Sharks for Earth, and for the oceans obvioulsy.



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