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Blue Sharks or Great White Sharks : Nothing Is Lost in the Nature Since At Least 500 Million Years

BBC is renowned by the quality of its video documentaries about, in particular, the Wildlife, Nature. The Wild, to recall Jack LONDON, that includes the Aquasphere too, the Oceans being a part of it.

BBC has created and produced a marine documentary series, named "Blue Planet" (currently, seasons I and II). WIKIPEDIA (copyright) says this about this series :

" Described as "the first ever comprehensive series on the natural history of the world's oceans", each of the eight 50-minute episodes examines a different aspect of marine life. The undewater photography included creatures and behaviour that had previously never been filmed".

With evidence, SHARK RESEARCH Opal & Silver Coasts (EU) acquired these DVD documentaries.

As an excerpt, you will find images of Blue Sharks and Great White Shark(s) eating what it remains from the carcass of a dead Whale, so showing well what kind of meals such Sharks are looking for, and prefer on the one hand, and proving that "human meal" doesn't enter in the diet of Sharks on the other.

For more informations about the BBC documentaries available either in replay or for sale, please visit :

Video : Copyright BBC



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